I've been slow in gathering my thoughts and time for posts on this Blog as it's been an intensive year. So, before 2023 ends I want to catch up with some events that took place this autumn. On 5 September all of us - Rod, Les, Ernie, Sanjeev and me - who were involved in making the film Winds of Change joined Cato Draaisma, at Mareel
in Lerwick for a public screening. It was a bit scary to gather on stage after it was finished for a Q&A, especially since I'd recently been to a few of these at Screenplay, Shetland's annual film festival. Everyone was very articulate and genuine; many interesting questions were posed by members of the audience. The musician and sound artist, Renzo Spiteri, who created the marvellous soundtrack also joined us. Unfortunately Stephenie George and her daughter, who acted in the film, were unable to come along. In November Cato also led a fascinating session for the students and alumni of the Art and Social Practice Master's Degree programme at UHI Shetland, University of the Highlands and Islands, where she discussed in-depth the distinctive and effective process she developed for creating this participatory film. You can watch the film here. Chloe Irvine wrote an article for The Shetland Times, too, which you can read in the gallery of images.